Pop around Town : Youth volunteering: are we in the new 1960s?

【明報專訊】About two years ago, I encountered a Hong Kong-based organisation that provides young people around the world with volunteering opportunities. Combining volunteer work with travelling, this organisation calls itself VolTra(義遊), a name that combines the sweats of volunteerism and the pleasure of traveling. Established in 2009, it is a unique organisation of its kind in Hong Kong; there is no other comparable organisation like it operating from the city. Up until 2016, VolTra had provided, coordinated, or linked up over 4,000 international workcamps and voluntary service projects in about 100 countries. Since its inception, more than 10,000 Hong Kong and overseas "VolTrateers" — that is how they endearingly call themselves — have participated in workcamps not only in Asia (e.g. Japan, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Taiwan, and Thailand), but also in Europe, Latin America, and Africa.
