The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

【明報專訊】The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HKZM Bridge, 港珠澳大橋) project concerns not only the Transport and Housing Bureau. The EB played an important role in the planning process. In 2009, the EB released the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report, 環境影響評估報告) in respect of the project after a one-month consultation exercise. It lists the environmental cost of the project. The bridge would inevitably block sea-views from western Hong Kong, and air quality is expected to worsen in Tuen Mun and Tung Chung. It also says air pollution would be particularly serious in Tuen Mun. Particulate (懸浮粒子) levels are expected to exceed permissible limits during its construction. Furthermore, the HKZM Bridge project would impact on the ecosystem. Coral and the habitat of Chinese White Dolphins would be affected. The government has suggested building a marine park to offset (抵消) the adverse effects.
