NewsP2P﹕Former Security Head Founds Political Party
Local. Party Politics×Diversity

【明報專訊】The New People's Party (新民黨) officially came into being on 9 January 2011. Founded and chaired by Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee (who is chairperson of the Savantas Policy Institute and was once Secretary for Security (匯賢智庫主席及前保安局長葉劉淑儀), it comprises many pillars of society and former officials. Its two deputy chairmen are Louis Shih, who is one of the council members of the Hong Kong Medical Association (香港醫學會會董史泰祖) and Michael Tien , who was once chairman of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (前九廣鐵路公司主席田北辰).
