Bilingual Editorial: Prepare for the Great Era of AI Generation
雙語社評:迎接AI創作大時代 積極參與兼思考監管


[英語 (足本收聽)] Presented by TSANG, Wai-sum William, Lecturer of Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

[普通話 (足本收聽)] Presented by Dr JIAO, Nina, Lecturer of Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

In the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence (AI), "generative AI" has become the most eye-catching AI application recently. In the US, the AI chatbot programme ChatGPT has made a splash, attracting many to give it a try. Users only have to input a little information and the system will generate an article automatically. In China, Baidu is also planning to launch a similar product called "ERNIE Bot" (Wenxin Yiyan) next month. As China runs neck and neck with the US in the AI field, the technology race is set to become even more intense in the future.

[ENG audio 1]

Since generative AI can be applied on a wide scope of areas, it may bring about revolutionary changes to the job market and many industries. It is likely to follow the example of social media and trigger another revolution of everyday life. However, like social media, generative AI is also a double-edged sword that may be misused for fraud, plagiarism or dissemination of misinformation. At the end of last year, the Hong Kong government issued the Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint, proposing a new industrialisation, of which AI will be one of the core points. While the SAR has to speed up the process, it should also start pondering the issue of regulating the technology.

[ENG audio 2]

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has dawned on human society. Unlike the previous ones which were about mechanised production (the first), electrified mass production (the second), computerisation and automation (the third), the crux of the Fourth Industrial Revolution lies in the integration of virtual reality and real life, as well as intelligentisation, in which AI plays a decisive role. In recent years, AI has found its way into more and more aspects of popular use, but the birth of AI chatbot programmes has still brought about a shock that goes beyond the imagination of many.

[ENG audio 3]

Last April, Open AI, a company backed by investments from Microsoft, launched a generative AI programme called DALL-E2. After the user has inputted some simple words, the system can imitate the style of the great masters in painting and generate a spectacular picture. Then, at the end of last year, the company also launched a chatbot programme, ChatGPT, and offered free trials to netizens. The system can answer questions in response to commands. It can even write things including jokes, poems, articles, prose and even long essays. Within only a few months, millions of people have already tried it.

[ENG audio 4]

Generative AI can "create" various types of multimedia content like text, videos, sound clips, images and so forth. The emergence of AI chatbots has further pushed the popular use of generative AI to a completely new level and scope. The parent company of Google is also speeding up the internal testing of its AI chatbot Bard, while ERNIE Bot, developed by China's Baidu, is set to be launched next month.

[ENG audio 5]

Existing AI chatbots still have their incapabilities. However, homework essays automatically generated by ChatGPT — despite their mediocre content — are enough to obtain a passing grade and pass the inspection by a university anti-plagiarism software. The development and application of technology have always been double-edged. They can benefit humankind, but they can also cause damage and harm. It is expected that more generative AI companies and a large number of related application platforms will emerge in the coming years. Hong Kong must be prepared for the arrival of the great era of AI. That includes taking the initiative to participate in developing the technology as well as following up on the issues of regulation and social adaptation.

[ENG audio 6]

迎接AI創作大時代 積極參與兼思考監管

人工智能(AI)方興未艾,近期最新矚目的應用,首推「生成式人工智能」(Generative AI)。在美國,AI聊天機械人程式ChatGPT掀起試用熱潮,用戶輸入小量資料,系統便會自行生成文章;在中國,百度亦有意下月推出同類產品「文心一言」,中美AI分庭抗禮,未來科技競賽勢更激烈。

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明報社評 2023.02.08