【明報專訊】Although the fifth wave of the pandemic has levelled off after peaking, the daily number of new deaths has remained in three-digits, meaning that we still cannot afford any delay in boosting the elderly vaccination rate. The government has rolled out new measures. Making the most of buildings under compulsory testing orders, it will arrange for unvaccinated elderly people aged 70 or above living in the buildings for at-home vaccination. It has also set up an online registration platform for home vaccination, which will be given a test run by community organisations first, and then fully launched later. The first-dose vaccination rate among the city's elderly population aged 70 or above is about 70%, while that in care homes is only 50%. The government's current shift in approach from "letting the jabs wait for people" to "letting the jabs find people" is a bit too late. Still, mending the fold after the sheep are lost is always better than giving up. The most important thing now is to ensure the move's effectiveness in meeting the target. The authorities have set a target of reaching a 90% first-dose vaccination rate among elderly people aged 70 or above by late next month. But even experts are doubtful if this target can be met. The government must improve its transparency to let the public know clearly its progress in implementing home vaccination and boosting the vaccination rate in care homes.