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【明報專訊】上期說 preposition 的運用沒硬性規定,例如用 at、in、on 這3個最簡單的 preposition 表達時間時就有不少例外。一般理解 at 是用作表達精確的時間,如 at three o'clock、at that moment。In 就是用作表達某段時間,如 in the future、in 2020。On 則通常用於日子,如 on Sunday、on my mother's birthday 等,然而例外又不少,如早上是 in the morning,下午是 in the afternoon,晚上偏是 at night;新年是 on New Year's day,聖誕節卻是 at Christmas;過去和將來是 in the past、in the future,而現在卻是 at present。剛提到表達日期用 on,例如:I sometimes play football with my friends on Sunday,但若加上 this、last、next、every,就完全不需 preposition,例如:My son is coming to visit me this Saturday 和 I was too tired to do anything last Friday。
