Editorial : Casting the net for Covid vaccines

【明報專訊】THE GLOBAL RACE for the development for a COVID-19 vaccine is in full swing. Many countries are competing to sign advance order contracts with vaccine manufacturers or even subsidising the development themselves. The Hong Kong government has also revealed a two-pronged approach in vaccine procurement, namely, joining a global vaccine effort coalition as well as approaching manufacturers worldwide directly. It remains uncertain whether scientists can develop a highly effective vaccine. When it comes to vaccine procurement, it is necessary to cast one's net wide rather than pin all the hopes on one or two vaccines. Vaccine nationalism and international politics, as well as well-off countries' attempts to benefit themselves before others, could all affect the future supply of vaccines. There are too many uncertain factors to face if a government does nothing but wait for the birth of vaccines. The top priority for Hong Kong right now is still to build a highly effective system against the pandemic so that the economy and people's livelihood can return to normal in a sustainable manner as much as possible amid the pandemic. How vaccines should be introduced as a long-term auxiliary tool should be based on science. Politicisation of the issue should be avoided.
