Editorial:Gauge public sentiment amid tighter measures

【明報專訊】AS THE GOVERNMENT tightens anti-pandemic measures further amid the worsening COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong, more and more side effects on people's livelihood are inevitably showing up. The government's announcement yesterday (July 27) of a round-the-clock ban on dine-in services has led to a question from many wage earners who cannot work from home: where can they have their lunch? Some are also concerned whether a new rule means a new problem. Given the complicated public sentiment in Hong Kong, discussions about fighting the pandemic have often provided politickers with ammunition. Many people are worried about both the pandemic and the serious impacts caused by anti-pandemic measures on their daily lives. Any rumours can amplify such restlessness and worries in society. However, curbing the pandemic being the top priority now, even tougher anti-pandemic measures have to be considered if they are necessary in reality. At the same time, the authorities must pay close attention to public sentiment and society's ability to absorb the measures. Proper supporting arrangements should also be made to alleviate the side effects on people's livelihood.
