Editorial:Spare DSE candidates from trouble with controversial question

【明報專訊】THE controversy over the history paper for the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examination has kept raging. The Education Bureau (EDB) has requested the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) invalidate an exam question about Sino-Japanese relations at the centre of the controversy. On the other hand, a teachers' group and a student organisation have announced plans to apply for judicial review if the question is struck out. No matter how the HKEAA reacts, it is likely that the row will further escalate and candidates will be the most affected. Whether exam questions should be set in the form of ''pro-con analysis'' when cardinal issues of right and wrong are concerned is something that must be reviewed. However, even if the design of the question is disputable, the interests of candidates should be given the highest priority in the aftermath of the incident. As the history examination has concluded, any attempt of scrapping or overturning it would hardly be fair to any candidate. In view of the heated debate in society over the question, it should not be included in past papers or the future curriculum for students' revision and practice. At the same time, unless the authorities can really find a way that treats all candidates fairly, the exam question should not be scrapped in a rash manner as it will affect the marks and grades of candidates.
