Study Abroad : School trips 2

【明報專訊】YALE Young Global Scholars (YYGS) was even better in terms of social life. What I appreciated the most was without a doubt the cultural diversity there. In my session, there were 656 participants from 6 continents, 79 countries and 35 US states. Every person I met was from a different corner of the world and had a different story to tell. My friends there included a climate activist from Canada, a pilot who helped deliver emergency supplies to the victims of hurricane Dorian, a boy who can play 17 instruments, and a figure skater (花式滑冰者) in team USA. I was able to talk to my Brazilian friend about Bolsonaro at lunch and discuss Bollywood with my Indian and Pakistani friends at supper. It was an experience of a lifetime that I probably couldn't get anywhere else.
