
【明報專訊】"Dai Ga Ze", or "big sister" as she is affectionately known as, has been helping run this particular karaoke booth for more than 10 years since she retired from working in a mechanics factory. The booth has been open to amateur singers and professionals for more than 30 years, firing up1 the microphones at 7.30pm and pulling the plug at 11pm. Every night, Dai Ga Ze welcomes all manner of people inside her tarpaulin(帆布)tent to sing their song of choice and drink countless cans of beer. She is busy every night and hardly has a minute to sit down as the songs keep coming and the queue keeps growing. Whether her customers are elderly couples looking for a place to have a romantic dance, or drunk leather-clad gangsters looking to bellow out(高聲唱出)a Canto classic, she casts no judgement, but simply enjoys watching them have fun.
