Editorial﹕Make Fanling golf course an open park

【明報專訊】THE LEASE of the Fanling golf course (170-hectare) expires in 2020. The government intends to grant the Hong Kong Golf Club a temporary lease by way of a "hold-over arrangement" until conclusions are drawn of the land supply and lease policy review. The "hold-over arrangement" should be fair and reasonable lest it should give the impression of "dealing with the particular matter in a particular way" to give the rich and powerful preferential treatment. The Fanling golf course has long seemed a club for the rich inaccessible to most citizens. The resentment harboured by the general public reflects a deep-rooted conflict that has bred a miso-affluence mentality. Whether the Fanling golf course should be redeveloped for housing is an issue that we can discuss further. Nonetheless, it is the responsibility of the government to make sure that the golf course will genuinely be open to ordinary citizens. Furthermore, the way of leasing such land must be changed significantly.
