Editorial : Egregious error at Tai Po Egretry

【明報專訊】HATCHLINGS plunged to their deaths together with their nests in a tree-pruning operation at Tai Po Egretry on Kwong Fuk Road. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), which had dispatched the workers for the mission, was roundly condemned by society subsequently. The incident laid bare the department's bureaucratism — it went by the rulebook without thinking about the consequences, and demonstrated no proper regard for the lives of birds. What also makes a careful review necessary is the lack of coordination between government departments. Any city that is suitable for living must consist of more than humans and buildings. The concept of "biophilic cities", which emphasises the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, is gaining prominence all around the world and is thus deserving of the government's attention and promotion. Meanwhile, the public should learn how to live harmoniously with wildlife (including birds) instead of hunting it to the point of extinction.
