Editorial : Maintain clear boundaries between the law and politics
法庭承受壓力升級 捍衛法治勿政治化

【明報專訊】DESPITE the diversity of Hong Kong society — which guarantees the diversity of views on every matter — there has long been a consensus towards the need to uphold the rule of law and judicial independence. That said, as our society becomes increasingly complex and politicalised, the rule of law has come under assault, as courts are being forced to interfere in political and economic affairs as well as bread-and-butter issues, and judges are under pressure from people of different views when they need to hand down a ruling. At the ceremonial opening of the legal year 2017 the other day, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal Geoffrey Ma, Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen, and Chairperson of the Hong Kong Bar Association Winnie Tam talked about problems concerning the rule of law at different levels. Despite their high confidence in the rule of law and judicial independence, the fact remains that there have been people of different stances trying to manipulate the rule of law to serve their political needs or interests. If the situation goes on, the foundation for Hong Kong's existence and development will go to ruin. Those who love Hong Kong must give deep thought to this.
