Editorial : Three events of utmost importance
今年3件大事 關係中國未來

【明報專訊】THIS YEAR (2017) is to see in China three political events of the utmost importance: (1) the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) (shijiuda), (2) the second wave of the reform of the military (which is to celebrate this year the 90th anniversary of its foundation) and (3) the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's reversion to Chinese sovereignty. The three events are interrelated. Shijiuda is to mark the relaunch of reform by Xi Jinping, who is now totally in power. The military reform has to do not only with China's defence, security, territory and sovereignty but also with the consolidation of Xi's power and the smooth implementation of his decrees. As for the question of Hong Kong, it is to put to the test Xi's ability to run the country and cope with complex situations as well as the vitality of the "one country, two systems" general policy.
