Editorial : Tightening of Well-off Tenants Policies
公屋超級富戶須遷出 政黨政客勿徇私包庇

【明報專訊】THE SUBSIDISED HOUSING COMMITTEE of the Housing Authority (HA) is to convene a meeting today (December 9) to discuss tightening the "Well-off Tenants Policies" in order to ensure that the Public Rental Housing (PRH) resources are properly used. If the plan is adopted, it will become effective next October at the earliest. Many political parties, however, demand that the government "listen more to the voice of society" instead of "acting rashly". The PRH policy is aimed at supporting the underprivileged who have special needs. It is completely justified to demand the super-rich tenants not occupy PRH resources any longer. Political parties should follow their conscience and adhere to their principles instead of shielding vested interests.
