Editorial : Meeting between Xi Jinping and Leung Chun-ying
「習梁會」無論及選特首 年度述職討論系列政策

【明報專訊】CHINESE PRESIDENT Xi Jinping met with Chief Executive (CE) Leung Chun-ying in Lima, Peru. With regard to two important subjects, i.e. the central government's policies towards Hong Kong in the wake of the "interpretation" of the Basic Law and its preference for the upcoming CE election, no clear signals were sent out after the meeting that enable one to form a judgement. However, judging from the Xinhua News Agency's coverage of the meeting and Leung's words to the media, it is likely that there will be policies and measures in Hong Kong to deal with the challenges posed by the "Hong Kong independence" ideology and gradually suppress it. Furthermore, it deserves our attention whether the meeting reflects a subtle change to Beijing's attitude towards Hong Kong such as the "One country, two systems" principle.
