Editorial : Unauthorised use of government data must be dealt with seriously
顧問擅用數據泄密 政府須更嚴肅處理

【明報專訊】ARUP, an engineering consultancy which took part in the planning of Wang Chau, had dealings with the Civil Engineering and Development Department, the Housing Authority and a developer. Making unauthorised use of Restricted Information from the government, it tried to help the developer's project get through the Town Planning Board (TPB). The matter, which has to do with the suspected leakage of sensitive information from the government, is a very serious one. However, the government has so far done nothing except bar ARUP from bidding for contracts for three months for "failing to comply with the terms of the contract". Such "punishment" is out of proportion with the severity of the matter. The government should conduct an in-depth investigation so as to ascertain whether anyone is liable for other responsibilities, including legal ones.
