Editorial : Trump's cross-strait policy
特朗普兩岸政策難大變 美國夢中國夢並行不悖

【明報專訊】US PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump is regarded as certain to prove the most controversial president in America's history. About him, what is most worrying is the fact that he could not govern his tongue when he campaigned. However, when he has the presidential sceptre in his hand, the possibility of him being wayward will be greatly reduced. It is certain for his policies to be conditioned by America's fundamental interests and the way things actually stand in the world. In analysing his China policy, one can see it should be possible for his "American dream" and Xi Jinping's "Chinese dream" to run in parallel without coming into conflict. Though severe Sino-US differences will long exist and the two countries may be at odds with each other, they will not fall out with each other. Taiwan will remain the most important pawn in America's containment of China. Therefore, Trump will not actually "dump Taiwan".
