周國賢 Blog : Busiest month of the year

【明報專訊】September is going to be my busiest month this year. Not only am I preparing for my upcoming concert "Play Live 2016" , I am also promoting my newly plugged songs and hammering away at the design for my new EP The Wind Rises (《風起》) to be released at the end of this month. I have not used Photoshop for a long time and my techniques have become a bit rusty. The EP title The Wind Rises is taken from a famous Japanese animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎駿). The film is touching in a subtle way, and I want my EP to carry the same feeling. Five new songs will be included in this EP, including Children Song, Indigestion (《消化不良》) and Only Lonely (《今生不回家》). The other two songs are Adults in Science (《大人的科學》) and the theme song of the movie I took part in last year: Love Colder than Death (《愛比死更冷》).
