Editorial : Taiping Island situation calls for attention
南海情勢外弛內張 須關注太平島動向

【明報專訊】SINCE the South China Sea (SCS) arbitration ruling came out, things have remained calm and, contrary to expectations, tension has not appeared there. This is the case because China and the US, the two principal players, have tried not to confront each other immediately. Therefore, for the time being, the Philippines (which has won the arbitration case), other claimants and Japan (which has booted and hooted, following others) cannot see where to direct their efforts. However, the situation is actually tense though it does not seem so, for the ruling has complicated SCS disputes and worsened it. It seems calm perhaps only because the players are taking stock of their circumstances and involving themselves in strategic manoeuvrings of all kinds - making preparations for upcoming wrestling games.
