Editorial : Seize the opportunity to increase land supply
樓市調整釋出契機 開拓土地理順供求

【明報專訊】AS property prices continue to fall, the speed at which cases of negative equity grow has aroused public attention. The situation, however, is not real cause for concern. The property market is experiencing an orderly correction, and the government should see it as an opportunity, since the correction has given it room to straighten out the supply-demand imbalance. The government should stick to its goal by expanding land resources and increasing land supply as planned. The government will not be able to influence how the property market grows unless it has enough land at its disposal and is ready to make timely adjustments to its reserves. The property market, on the other hand, will not be able to grow in a stable and healthy manner and break the vicious cycle of wild fluctuations unless housing supply is stable.
