Chen's comments on Hong Kong debatable
內耗斷症值得商榷 七嘴八舌添煩添亂

【明報專訊】THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY (September 20), Chen Zuo'er, chairman of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macau Studies, spoke at a forum on Hong Kong's role in China's national development strategy. "Instead of de-colonisation, there has been de-Sinofication in Hong Kong, which has harmed the two systems operating within one country," he said. "This strange phenomenon is against the nature of history and has created serious internal conflicts, wasting people's time and causing many problems." It is regrettable that, in thus raising a serious issue, Chen did not explain himself clearly, but jumped to his conclusion, leaving the Hong Kong public puzzled as to the relationship between the two "-ations" and the city's current situation. Consequently, Chen's conclusion is unconvincing.
