Situation in Northeast Asia
東北亞局勢再動盪 和平之路迢遠漫長

【明報專訊】ONE MAY SAY the previous week saw earth-shaking changes in the situation in Northeast Asia. South Korea claimed its guards had been injured by mines North Korea had planted. It then started blaring "psychological" broadcasts to North Korea with loudspeakers. Thereupon the two Koreas shelled each other and began making preparations for war. The US and South Korea have in a rare move activated their joint operational plan. A major war suddenly seemed imminent, and there were frequent deployments on both sides of the 38th parallel north. Nevertheless, when the deadline stated in North Korea's ultimatum was about to expire last Saturday, representatives of the two Koreas met in Panmunjom. As of Sunday night, nothing came of their talks, and military activities continued on both sides. The danger of a war breaking out persisted.
