China should act tough as Japan departs from pacifism
日本告別和平國家道路 中國應以實際行動反制

【明報專訊】THE ABE ADMINISTRATION in Japan has forced the new Security Bills through parliament, marking the country's departure from pacifism. The bills represent a radical change of Japan's defence policy. The country will no longer focus on self-defence, but will fight in foreign conflicts should the need arise. Japan has a history of military aggressions and repeated attempts to whitewash historical facts and shift responsibility for war. It has now been empowered to send troops overseas. We find it hard to predict how this will impact on the peace of our region as well as that of the world. Since Abe has repeatedly stated that the new Security Bills will apply to challenges posed by the rise of China, the Beijing authorities should deal with Japan head-on, and prepare themselves for any acts of aggression that might be staged by China's sworn enemy.
