Internal strife taking a heavy toll on HK's development
旅業颳寒風一葉知秋 內耗空轉明珠將暗啞

【明報專訊】SINCE the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Goat, statistics have been showing a slowdown in retailing and the tourism industry. A wave of price cuts has swept various European brands of high-class consumption goods and luxury watches. Had all this been part of the adjustments in the economic cycle, it would not have come as a worry for us. However, according to those in the tourism industry, there is to be a significant drop in the number of Meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions (MICE) visitors this month and next, which some attribute to the recent protests against parallel traders. Such a situation cannot be treated casually, as it reflects what is faced by the tourism industry and other related industries. And all this has much to do with how the different members of society treat the issue of development. Unless they are willing to compromise with each other to the greatest extent and stop the internal strife from going on forever, we can hardly be optimistic about Hong Kong's economy and development prospects.
