Setback in tourist industry
新春訪客減拉響警號 酒店過剩旅業尋出路

【明報專訊】THE YEAR OF THE GOAT has arrived, but few victories on the tourism front have been reported, and worrying tidings have poured in. Five established must-see places for visitors including Ocean Park and Disneyland have received fewer visitors in the Chinese New Year holiday for the first time in five years. Occupancy has plunged in three-star hotels (which mainly cater to mainland and Southeast Asian visitors). Their rates are now generally 10% lower than they were last year. And retail sales have plunged. Hong Kong's smokeless industry, which has thrived since the Individual Visit Scheme was introduced more than ten years ago, is faced with a tough year. Judging from the way things have developed, its downward trend will not possibly end soon. Those in the tourist industry must consider how to preserve its effective strength so that it can survive the bitter winter and welcome the arrival of another spring.
