Harmful political struggle
官民不按牌理出牌 政治鬥爭傷害社會

【明報專訊】SINCE the Legislative Council (Legco) resumed its session this legislative year, pan-democratic legislators have paralysed legislative business and blocked government business with filibusters in their non-cooperation movement. The administration has tried to get its applications for funds through the Finance Committee by shuffling its agenda. As neither officials nor legislators stick to the rules of the game, the fight between them may derail the administration's plans. The newest battle between them is about funding for the Innovation and Technology Bureau. The political fight between the administration and the pan-democratic camp has kept intensifying. That does not seem to advantage either in any way, but their struggle has harmed society tangibly and intangibly. Legco being as it is, it is hard to carry out government policies, and even the hope for effective government now seems extravagant. One cannot but be worried about Hong Kong's future.
