Don't judge the Occupy movement wrongly
斷症勿靠手掌撞腦袋 佔領緣由應客觀調查

【明報專訊】IT IS STILL UNCERTAIN when and how the Occupy movement will come to an end. In spite of this, however, many people have started to find out what is the malady afflicting our society, and, in offering their prescriptions, have unanimously pointed to the young people, even though their conclusions might differ in emphasis. It is true that young people's dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs has been one of the factors in the mass protests. But what is it that they are dissatisfied with? What are their expectations of our society? Will they be appeased if it is made easier for them to buy their own flats? As can be seen in the current situation, what is needed now is a systematic, objective, and comprehensive investigation into the causes of the movement, as well as the roles young people have played and the functions they have carried out. Failure to judge the movement correctly might result in policies that completely miss the mark.
