Return of used oil to food chain
廢食油重回食物鏈 政府勿再視若無睹

【明報專訊】IT IS evident from the gutter oil scandal in Taiwan that the SAR government has not done enough in regulating the recycling, refining, certification, export and import of used edible oil. It has long been the case that food products made with used oil make their way to citizens' bellies. That is in nature a serious food safety incident. We have yet to see how the government proposes to deal with the return of used oil to the food chain. Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has not commented on it, nor has Chief Secretary for Administration Carrie Lam or any other principal official. Citizens have seen the Food and Health Bureau and the Environment Bureau (the two bureaux responsible for such matters) acting independently of rather than in concert with each other.
