Down-to-earth discussions
聚焦爭取有真正選擇 實事求是談具體安排

【明報專訊】CHAIRMAN of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC) Zhang Dejiang has come south and talked about constitutional reform with people from the pro-establishment camp, the business sector and certain organisations. Some pan-democratic legislators belonging to the "lunch box club" have suggested that they should meet Beijing officials and talk with them about constitutional reform. This is a positive development. Pan-democratic legislators represent 50% to 60% of voters though they are in the minority in the legislative chamber. It is certainly not right for them to be absent from constitutional-reform discussions as the constitutional-reform package will not go through the Legislative Council (Legco) unless it is endorsed by at least two-thirds of its members. Therefore, Chief Executive (CE) Leung Chun-ying and the "constitutional-reform trio" should find ways to make it possible for them to discuss substantive matters with Beijing officials. If such formal discussions take place, they will have tried to prevent the reform from falling through amid slogan-yelling and gesture-making even if nothing comes of them.
