Need to increase common ground
須聚焦討論縮窄分歧 爭取共識勿輕易言棄

【明報專訊】THE GOVERNMENT has started the constitutional-development "five-step process". Though popular nomination (which is controversial) is not categorically ruled out in the report on the first-stage public consultation on constitutional development or the report Chief Executive (CE) Leung Chun-ying has submitted to the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), judging by the way views are represented in them, it is quite clear that the government tends to play down calls for popular nomination. Conceivably, it has left it to the Central People's Government (CPG) to deal with popular nomination because it wants to continue to talk with the pan-democratic camp (instead of having a showdown now) and seeks to narrow down differences, bring about consensus and find arrangements for electing the CE by universal suffrage acceptable to the majority of citizens before the end of next month, when the NPCSC comes to a decision. If this conjecture is accurate, the next one and a half months will be crucial. It is hoped that the government and all other parties will seize the moment and discuss with one another substantive matters.
