Obstacles to constitutional reform
強行通過印花稅草案 為政改討論製造障礙

【明報專訊】CHIEF SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION Carrie Lam said last Saturday at a constitutional reform forum that, as most citizens wanted to have the Chief Executive elected by universal suffrage in 2017 and regard must be had to legal, political and operational aspects in devising a method for doing so, she would have breakfast meetings with legislators of various groups, and she would invite officials of the law department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (CPG) to those meetings so that legislators could compare notes with them about constitutional reforms. It will help introduce universal suffrage for the SAR government to make it possible for CPG officials in Hong Kong to talk with legislators about constitutional reforms. We would be happy to see that happen. However, the SAR government ought to draw lessons from what happened last Saturday. That day all the pan-democratic legislators walked out in protest against the way it had pushed a stamp duty bill through. It should make it a guiding principle it will follow in reforming the constitutional system to unite the majority and win moderates' support.
