Importation of labour
以雙贏思維看外勞 締造有利發展條件

【明報專訊】LAST WEEK the government pointed out unskilled workers were in short supply in many sectors when it unveiled a consultation document on population policy. It suggested that workers be taken in from other places to meet urgent needs. To this suggestion trade unions have raised strong objections. Workers are worried that importing labour into the SAR may bring their wages down and lose them their jobs. That is understandable. However, guest workers do fulfil a useful function. Foreign domestic helpers' contribution to the economy is the most conspicuous case in point. Foreign domestic helpers working in the SAR (now numbering more than 300,000) have helped make available local women's productivity. If we look at the importation of labour from a win-win perspective and prevent vested interests (chambers of commerce and trade unions) from swaying the government's policy towards guest workers, it will help bring about what may be conducive to social development.
