美兩黨惡鬥害苦全球經濟 金融「去美國化」還需自身硬

【明報專訊】IN THE US, the two parties have finally managed to end a deadlock and avoid causing a new round of financial disturbances. Last week Xinhua, China's official news agency, published a commentary in English that says it is probably time the "befuddled world" started considering building a "de-Americanised world". It says that the deadlocked confrontation between the two parties has had many countries holding huge US-dollar assets feel danger and, instead of allowing their fates to remain dependent on the Americans (who are often in internal conflict), those countries should bring about a new world order in which the key interests of the countries in the world, big and small, will be respected and protected on an equal footing. It urges the need really to reform the global financial system and to allow emerging economies greater say in international financial institutions and calls for the introduction of a new international reserve currency lest internal struggle in Washington should again spill over into other economies.
