Clarify the Case - or Step Down
陳茂波陷身誠信危機 若未能釐清必須下台

【明報專訊】DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY Paul Chan Mo-po's connection with three plots of land in the North East New Territories New Development Areas has raised concerns about a conflict of interests. In response to this, Chan in the past few days has tried to give the public the impression that, before October 2012, the land had to do only with his wife Frieda Hui Po-ming and her family, and after the sale of her stake, even Hui has no longer any interest in the land. He has also tried to make the public believe that he himself has nothing to do with the three plots, phrasing his announcements in such a way that it would appear that the Chan family has no connection with the land. For instance, in reply to media enquiries on Monday (July 22), he spoke of Orient Express, which once had a stake in the three plots of land: "I have no beneficial interest in the company, which is owned by my wife and her family".
