Land Donation Should Be Unconditional
捐地建屋應不設條件 兩大問題須從長計議

【明報專訊】IN VIEW OF Hong Kong's urgent need for more residential land, Lee Shau-kee, chairman of Henderson Land Development, offered several months ago to donate agricultural land to the government. The day before yesterday (June 3), he explained his plan in detail, saying that he would like to donate seven plots of land altogether. The seven plots, according to Lee, could accommodate a total of 10,000 300-square foot homes to be priced at about $1 million each. Homebuyers would have to pay a mortgage of about $5,000 a month, and no down payment would be required. The government would have to waive the land premiums and build flats to be sold to young people, so that they may have their own homes.
