Squatter Problem Must Be Addressed
寮屋如雨後春筍 執法勿釋錯信息

【明報專訊】THE ILLEGAL OCCUPATION of land for the erection of squatter structures is getting more and more rampant. As reported in this paper, squatter structures have over the past two years mushroomed in Kai Leng Village, which is close to the Sheung Shui Railway Station. Indigenous inhabitants told us that, in the past few weeks only, the village has seen the completion of two or three squatter structures. It is estimated that there are now more than 100 squatter structures in the village, some of which are partitioned into several rooms, each with its own air-conditioner and toilet, and occasionally even a walled garden. According to district councillors, some people build squatter structures for rental purposes, and come into conflict with the land's title holders.
