Industrial building conversion
加大力度工廈轉住宅 地盡其用有助解困局

【明報專訊】TO DESCRIBE the government's determination to find land for housing Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has used such expressions as "seize every second" and "struggle to get every inch of land". His first policy address includes a number of long-term plans and policy measures designed to increase land supply and housing supply. Leung has suggested it is necessary to make "optimal use of developed land". However, the policy address says little new about industrial buildings, which occupy much land and many of which are no longer used for their original purposes. In our view, the government may well act more boldly and vigorously to make available land now occupied by industrial buildings so that there will soon be more land for housing, especially in urban areas. To do so is to make full use of land and ease the critical land shortage.
