One-way communication
僭建餘波持續燃燒 單向溝通罪魁禍首

【明報專訊】CHIEF EXECUTIVE (CE) Leung Chun-ying has been in trouble partly because of the unauthorised building works (UBW) at his Peak property. The affair has not ended because some doubts have remained unresolved. Leung and the Director of Buildings have replied to reporters' enquiries in writing instead of answering their questions at a press conference. Such one-way communication would not so much dispel doubts as arouse suspicions of attempts to play down the affair by controlling information. Reporters who cover the affair go only after the truth, for it has much to do with whether the CE is honest and whether the Buildings Department (BD) impartially carries out its statutory duties. It has also much to do with another crucial question - whether it is possible to maintain the good government of the SAR.
