Popular Participation in Sports Should Be Encouraged
樂見更多李慧詩 更樂見運動普及

【明報專訊】LEE Wai-sze, "the cyclist of Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate", has won an Olympic bronze medal. This speaks of her hard work as well as the effectiveness of Hong Kong's elite athlete training and coaching. It is ironical, however, that while many Hong Kong people have come to enjoy cycling in recent years, there has been a rapid increase in cyclist accidents, with the number of fatalities rising to a ten-year high last year, largely as a result of the serious lack of cycling tracks in Hong Kong. It is important that Hong Kong should continue to provide resources for the training and coaching of elite local athletes like Lee Wai-sze, but it is more important that public facilities should be improved for the promotion of sports in Hong Kong.
