强化英語﹕Second Bite of the Cherry

【明報專訊】某日我對一個外籍朋友說我學校某某人獲再次委任為諮詢委員會會長,任期5年。我的朋友這樣回應︰"He doesn't deserve a second bite of the cherry"(「他再獲委任,似乎有點牽強」),意思是指這個會長在任期間沒有什麼建樹。To have a second bite means to have a second go at something, perhaps with an underlying implication that such a second chance is not really deserved.

有些人不喜歡櫻桃,他們可能會以apple代替。我們(尤其是年輕人)日常生活應該勇於嘗試,「勇於嘗試」的英文說法有很多,包括︰have a go/shot at or whack at something、take a crack at something、make an attempt or have a turn at doing something。

例句︰Victor says, "Let me have a crack at publishing an academic paper." (Victor說︰「讓我試試寫一篇學術論文。」)

Victor had a shot at it and succeeded.(Victor試過,成功了。)
