Incumbent Government Should Honour Its TV Reform Policy
增發免費電視牌照 現屆政府不應爛尾

【明報專訊】THE Broadcasting Authority recommended in mid-2011 that three more free-to-air television licences should be issued, but the Executive Council has up to now failed to come to a decision. In February this year, ATV applied for a judicial review in a bid to prevent the issuing of the new licences, but the application was rejected by the High Court on the grounds that the Broadcasting Authority's preliminary recommendation did not carry any legal authority, and a decision with legal authority had yet to be arrived at by the Executive Council. Thereupon ATV declared that it will take legal action once the Executive Council announces its decision, and in mid-May TVB also indicated that, to stop the granting of new licences, it may take the government to court.
