Independent Committee to Look into Tang's Allegations
成立具公信獨立委會 查清唐英年泄密真相

【明報專訊】DAYS after Chief Executive candidate Henry Tang Ying-yen disclosed what had allegedly been said at the Exco's confidential meetings and accused his rival Leung Chun-ying of violating Hong Kong's core values, the government issued through the Exco Secretariat a statement stressing the importance and indispensability of the confidentiality principle. While Tang tries to rationalise his breach of confidentiality by saying that great public interest is at stake, the government's statement without mentioning anyone by name says in rebuttal: "Protecting the integrity of the system is a matter of great public interest." However, the statement does not make a single comment on Tang's openly professing to have breached the confidentiality principle. As Tang's accusations against Leung have not been debunked by the government, they continue to fly around.
