Why Is It So Difficult to Answer a "Yes" or "No" Question?
「Yes or No」的問題 為何答得如此辛苦?

【明報專訊】WHEN politicians are exposed by the media for unethical activities, they are often inclined to adopt a wait-and-see strategy, trying to gain time by giving vague and general answers. If the media do not have enough evidence to prove their misdeeds and sustain the accusations, they will be able to get away with it. However, if the media have got their hands on a treasure of information, and publish it bit by bit, they will be hard put to it to justify themselves. And when the public see them being forced to tell the truth bit by bit, their credibility will suffer. Both Donald Tsang Yam-kuen and Henry Tang Ying-yen have committed this "error".
