Pan-democrats should reunite themselves
整合求策略行動一致 立會選舉是重要測試

【明報專訊】IN this year's District Council (DC) election, the establishmentarian camp, of which the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong and the Federation of Trade Unions form the backbone, gained advantage. It now seems capable of marginalising the pan-democrats. There are many factors in the pan-democratic camp's setback. The establishmentarians made a good job of mobilising voters. The Civic Party was encumbered by the judicial review case about the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and that about foreign domestic helpers' right of abode. People Power worried the Democratic Party so perversely that citizens abhorred politicians' trouble-making in the extreme. Furthermore, the pan-democrats were not as good as the establishmentarians at district work.
