Medical profession's interests
醫生利益不能凌駕病人 應研究收回執業審批權

【明報專訊】TO EASE a severe doctor shortage, the Hospital Authority (HA) has tried to recruit non-local doctors. HA chairman Anthony Wu has said that, if the Medical Council blocks its efforts, the HA will ask the government and the Legislative Council (Legco) to intervene. If necessary, the power to assess the credentials of medical professionals should be vested in the Department of Health rather than the Medical Council. Some doctors' bodies maintain that this is against the Basic Law. Hong Kong Medical Association president Choi Kin and immediate past president Tse Hung-hing have even said that, if a Chief Executive (CE) aspirant refuses to undertake to get Anthony Wu sacked, they will ask doctors on the Election Committee not to nominate him.
