記取破門擾亂教訓 勿損和平抗爭成果

【明報專訊】THE AUTHORITIES repeatedly curtailed the freedom of the press and that of speech on the pretext of keeping Vice-Premier Li Keqiang safe. Civil society has fought back with restraint and good sense. Its peaceful, rational efforts have borne fruit. The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has made an apology, and both the government and the police have softened. They will conceivably refrain from acting unreasonably. Last Thursday, some demonstrators threw dog biscuits at an official. They broke down a door to intrude into a by-election forum. Citizens have condemned their repugnant behaviour. Such extremism may even give the authorities a pretext for curtailing the freedom of speech and that of demonstration again. In this event, much of what civil society has gained with effort over the past two weeks will be undone.
