Safety first
救援馬虎幸有特警抗命 草菅人命豈是中國國情

【明報專訊】AFTER the Wenzhou train crash had happened, both President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao ordered that top priority be given to saving lives. However, it is clear from the chance survival of Xiang Weiyi (Yiyi, a two-year-old girl) that those in charge of the rescue operation make light of human lives. But for a police captain's defiance, Yiyi would have perished. According to Wenzhou police captain Shao Yerong, that day he was ordered to have wrecked carriages craned from the viaduct to the ground. He disagreed and insisted that his team should climb up to the scene. "You are not sure there are no survivors. What if there are? How can you justify yourself then?"
