Fiscal Reserves
政府富不等於市民富 儲備水平須客觀科學

【明報專訊】THE GOVERNMENT estimates that, when this fiscal year ends on March 31, Hong Kong's fiscal reserves will amount to as much as $591.5 billion, sufficient to keep it going for 23 months. Fourteen years ago, towards the end of March 1997, when Hong Kong was about to revert to Chinese sovereignty, Hong Kong's fiscal reserves stood at just $163 billion, just ten times the government's monthly expenditure then. However, Financial Secretary Donald Tsang, as he then was, considered it possible to "restore wealth to the people". Therefore, on hearing what Financial Secretary John Tsang has recently said - that the bigger Hong Kong's fiscal reserves are, the better, people would ask how things are different from what they were and whether the government is prepared to keep over-taxing citizens and accumulating their hard-earned money.
